Ph.D candidate in Spectral Barkhausen noise measurements for the characterization of steels in collaboration with CEA LIST (Paris)
Spectral Barkhausen doktore izateko hautagaia, altzairuen karakterizaziorako, CEA LISTekin lankidetzan (Paris)
Ingeniero/as y técnicos (Telecomunicación y Electrónica)
Telekomunikazio eta Elektronika
¿Qué buscamos?
The proposed Ph.D. aims to contribute in the use of spectrum measurements for the characterisation of magnetic materials, notably steels. Accurate MBN measurements obtained from different microstructures using a dedicated setup (developed in the context of the Ph.D. work) will be analysed and compared with theoretical simulations based on tools previously developed by the host institute in order to
Validate and fine-tune the models
Examine the classification of the considered microstructures in universality classes
Study the effect of the microstructure (grain size, dislocations) to the spectral features
Starting from well-known model materials (FeSi and FeCo), for which a great amount of published results exist and hence can be used as reference, the study will be then focused on some important industrial steel grades like the interstitial-free (IF) and low-carbon (LC) steels.
The proposed Ph.D. thesis will be jointly directed and supervised by the French atomic and alternative energies commission (CEA, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) and the CEIT Technological Centre in Spain (CEA-LIST en Gif-sur-Yvette (near Paris) France) and CEIT in San Sebastian). The main part of the work will be hosted at the CEA research centre at Saclay, France with a couple of monthly stays at the CEIT institute in San Sebastian, Spain.
Zer bilatzen dugu?
The proposed Ph.D. aims to contribute in the use of spectrum measurements for the characterisation of magnetic materials, notably steels. Accurate MBN measurements obtained from different microstructures using a dedicated setup (developed in the context of the Ph.D. work) will be analysed and compared with theoretical simulations based on tools previously developed by the host institute in order to
Validate and fine-tune the models
Examine the classification of the considered microstructures in universality classes
Study the effect of the microstructure (grain size, dislocations) to the spectral features
Starting from well-known model materials (FeSi and FeCo), for which a great amount of published results exist and hence can be used as reference, the study will be then focused on some important industrial steel grades like the interstitial-free (IF) and low-carbon (LC) steels.
The proposed Ph.D. thesis will be jointly directed and supervised by the French atomic and alternative energies commission (CEA, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) and the CEIT Technological Centre in Spain (CEA-LIST en Gif-sur-Yvette (near Paris) France) and CEIT in San Sebastian). The main part of the work will be hosted at the CEA research centre at Saclay, France with a couple of monthly stays at the CEIT institute in San Sebastian, Spain.
¿Qué te ofrecemos?
Incorporation in technological centre at the forefront of technological knowledge, and with a clear vocation of service to society. Opportunities for growth and professional development, and a good work environment based on trust and teamwork.
Thesis should be completed in 3 years, but may be extended to 4.
Be a member of a top team, at the forefront of technological research and innovation, together with experienced researchers, other doctoral candidates and students.
Opportunities for professional growth and development, and a good work environment based on trust and teamwork.
The candidate will be trained in the world of scientific research (writing scientific articles, patents and intellectual property, etc.), as well as other specific technical courses that are deemed necessary for the proper development of the thesis (e.g. programming languages, simulation programs, specific hardware, … )
Be a member of a top team, at the forefront of technological research and innovation, together with experienced researchers, other doctoral candidates and students.
Zer eskaintzen dizugu?
Zentro teknologikoan sartzea ezagutza teknologikoaren abangoardian, gizarteari zerbitzua emateko bokazio argiarekin. Hazteko eta garapen profesionalerako aukerak, eta konfiantzan eta talde-lanean oinarritutako lan-giro ona.
Tesia 3 urtean amaitu beharko litzateke, baina 4ra luza daiteke.
Goi-mailako talde bateko kide izatea, ikerketa eta berrikuntza teknologikoaren abangoardian, ikertzaile esperientziadunekin, doktoregaiekin eta ikasleekin batera.
Hazkunde eta garapen profesionalerako aukerak, eta konfiantzan eta talde-lanean oinarritutako lan-giro ona.
Hautagaia ikerketa zientifikoaren munduan trebatuko da (artikulu zientifikoak, patenteak eta jabetza intelektuala idaztea, etab.), baita tesia behar bezala garatzeko beharrezkotzat jotzen diren beste ikastaro tekniko zehatz batzuetan ere (adibidez, programazio-lengoaiak, simulazio-programak, hardware espezifikoa,...).
Goi-mailako talde bateko kide izatea, ikerketa eta berrikuntza teknologikoaren abangoardian, ikertzaile esperientziadunekin, doktoregaiekin eta ikasleekin batera.
Formación academica
Degree in Physics or Double Degree in Physics and Electronic Engineering and a master
Prestakuntza akademikoa
Fisikako Gradua edo Fisika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoko Gradu Bikoitza eta master bat
Formación específica
Basic programming knowledge (ej. C, Phyton, Matlab)
Prestakuntza espezifikoa
Programazioari buruzko oinarrizko ezagutzak (adib. C, Phyton, Matlab)
Nivel de idiomas requerido: English C1 French desirable
Hizkuntzak eta eskatutako maila: Ingelesa C1
Frantsesa desiragarria
Experiencia en funciones similares: No requiere
Antzeko eginkizunetan eskatutako esperientzia: Ez da beharrezkoa
The candidate is expected to have a solid understanding of electromagnetism as well as basic metallurgical notions and a familiarisation with standard laboratory equipmentKnowledge on solid-state physics will be also beneficial yet is not compulsory.
Espero da hautagaiak elektromagnetismoa ondo ulertzea, oinarrizko metalurgia-nozioak jakitea eta laboratorio.El egoera-fisika solidarioaren ekipo estandarretara ohitzea ere onuragarria izango dela, baina ez da nahitaezkoa.